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Awesome/Automatic SDR

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Normally I am a computer scientist with a focus on data science and software engineering located in Nuremberg (QTH JN59NK). Today I want to share my radio signal hobby with all of you. My callsign is DD7MB.

This page is about automatic (live) monitoring/reporting of different radio signals and sdr related topics. Unfortunately, this page is under construction and is not complete. This page has started on 04-Mar-2022 and there are a lot of things to publish and do. So check back from time to time.

I am starting with publishing FT8-signal maps received with my loop antenna. I added WEFAX, SSTV (from ISS) and SSTV (from HAM Radio) sections.

The setup is based on GNU Radio & self-developed tools/software in Python and C++. Timestamps are specified in UTC. New FT8 data is automatically published every two hours. The diagrams with time axis always refer to the last 7 days. The Number of received signals by day plot is an exception to this.




There are two sections: Default Map and Filtered Map.

Default Map

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Filtered Map

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There are two sections: Time plots and Stats.

Time plots

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Radio Bands Plots

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SSTV (from ISS)


Last results

13-04-2022 09:21 and 10:58

12-04-2022 13:24

SSTV (from HAM Radio)


Last results



Last results